OPENING:  Vice-President Tom Webb brought the meeting to order with the recitation of the Four-Way Test, singing of "America," and the invocation by Mike Hein.  "Fun and Frolic" was offered by Donna Schaefer and was about Spring flowers. 
     COMMITTEE REPORTS: Terry Hargrove reported that the Scholarship Committee has received 31 applicants
and that the interviews are scheduled.  Phil Bartmannn noted that there were some textbooks for the Facebook Course available at the door for anyone interested.  Joe Zubrzycki, for the BB&B said the deadline has been extended for securing sponsors and asked everyone to be diligent in getting sponsors. 
     PROGRAM.  Bill McLemore introduced Doris Nagel, Founder and CEO of Blue Sky Consulting Services of Vernon Hills, Illinois.  She began the business 25 years ago and has helped hundreds of small businesses expand globally--to 44 countries.  Personally, she has a working relationship with 65 nations.  She noted that she was a recipient of a Rotary Scholarship many years ago which opened her heart to the international aspects of our world.   She said she has good news and bad news.  The bad news for the  United States is that economic projections for the country up until 2020 are going to be relatively flat with only a 2% growth rate at best.  The good news is that the fastest growing companies in America are those that have expanded globally.  She closed her remarks with the three qualities of companies that grow--either at home or abroad: (1) They can embrace change; (2) They are curious and open-minded; (3) They are process oriented.   [The photograph shows Doris being welcomed by Vice-President Tom Webb.]
      CLOSING.  The white marble raffle was won by Don Howard but his winnings weren't readily available. VP Webb closed the meeting at 1:15.