Important article by a young Rotarian in the northwest gives excellent points about membership growth.

                In the latest issue of THE ROTARIAN (October 2013) pp.  52-55, Kristi Govertsen, who began her Rotary membership in the East Portland (Oregon) Rotary Club in 2003, writes about her ideas for building Rotary membership.   Steve Lingenbrink, past governor of District 5030 in Washington, says, “Membership in District 5030 has been sliding for steadily over five years.  After Govertsen’s appearance at training workshops, the decline has stopped and numbers even rose.” 

                 Kristi says she invites people, not to Rotary but to lunch without even talking about joining.  She adds, “When you’re on a first date, and all you do is talk about the wedding, it doesn’t really go well.”  I think this article is a must read for us at McHenry Rotary.   Her ideas are worth the attention of all of our membership.  Bill McLemore.